Workshops and seminars for decisionmakers and brand ambassadors

Better branding by motivation

Increasing the strength of a brand: Brand Ambassadors

Corporate Brands must be lived out in practice. It’s essential that all employees understand the deepness of a brand myth and the purpose of the corporate brand.

For several years Luenstroth Brand Cosultancy offers brand workshops: Deep knowledge about brands and how to implement and use them in daily practice.

Brand System

Brand as a system

This workshop especially relates to all decision maker in small companies.

By using examples the participants learn

  • why a brand is the managerial sender
  • how brands appeal emotional and rational to the addressees
  • why a brand always needs to has a perpective and why it’s not a sales-promotional action
  • what the different is between a corporate and a product brand and how to develop a useful brand architecture
  • with which appropriate service partners it’s useful to establish brands
  • which legal opportunities are to be found in national and international fields for legal protection and how to use them sensible.
Brands in Media

Brands in media

The behavior of using media has not only changed in consumer’s businesses, it has also changed in BtoB radically. In the past brands were shown and experienced in classic media, today there are other acccesses as well for getting further information of brands.

The emotionalisation in the world of branding has to work for and in several media:

  • Does the first impression fit to the adjusted target medium? (Web, Blog, App)
  • How to prevent image damages?
  • Which website structure is ideal for brands, which one should be avoided?
  • How is it possible to elude the interchangeability of the brand and to keep it as a unique position?
  • Employer Branding: How, on which websites and with which message is the business brand getting in contact with potential employees (controlling touchpoints)?
Workshop Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture

If companies merge or acquire other companies new uncertainties are coming up in the new business fields.

That uncertainty is the result of an ambiguous brand architecture. Often double brands have been developed which should transfer the entire brand values of the merged company.

Conflicts are inevitable. If the structure is not based on any adequate reasoning, its function is not fullfilled satisfactorily. This workshop shows obstacles at mergers and change-processes and offers possible solutions.

  • Fields of tensions of different brand architectures
  • Between House of Brands and Branded House: Which brand architecture fits to which corporate structure?
  • Which organisated changes are necessary for a target architecture?
  • Based on examples:  Different approaches with their advantages and disadvantages are shown.

(Target group:  executive committee, board of directors and managers of bigger enterprises)

Brand Identity Workshop

Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity is the most known corporate asset during the last 50 years. But even in big companies people often mix up Corporate Identity with Corporate Design. This workshop explains the relation of Corporate Identity to Corporate Design and to self-images and external views of the company. It shows the difference between formal Corporate Design, lived Corporate Identity and Corporate Image – the target project as an essential instrument for business success.

  • Where ends Corporate Identity and where begins Corporate Design?
  • What do logo und claim say about Corporate Identity  and in which relation do they stay to Corporate Image?
  • How trade-fair appearances, annual reports or any other touchpoints have to get staged to transfer Corporate Design and Corporate Image.
  • What about the Corporate Coherence in media?
Brand Design Workshop

Corporate Design

Some years ago Corporate Design was a manageable feature of only some advertising media. Meanwhile it is getting a system which reaches from print over animated media and audio to huge video galleries. The difficult weighting between continuity and creative flexibility are inevitably a part of the daily practice in the new sensory and content fields. This workshop gives advices how a company stays contentual faithful and how it is possible to avoid loosing the company’s coherence in daily practice.

  • Approach in the development of Corporate Design / choice of the right design studio or of the right design company
  • Implementation of Corporate Designs in different fields of the company (not only with obviously „external relation“)
  • Permanent actualization of Corporate Design considering the core of a brand
Agency Pooling for Brands

Agency Pooling

More and more specialised services and project related agencies support advertising companies in the way of analysing their marketing and communication. This agency-pooling can improve creative results. But inevitably the danger of  brand erosion could occur because not all punctual working agencies can internalize the brand identity. If, in these cases, a management change is announced, advertising activities  and recources arise which are creative but not significant for the brand positioning.

  • Which measures secure the continuity of the brand during the time of changing creative service partners?
  • How can the ‘red line’ of the brand get implemented that fluctuations in the field of marketing woun’t get dangerous for the brand?
  • How is it possible to save the activities of the below-the-line-agencies brand affine?
Brand System

Development of trademarks

The development of product-, technology- and the company’s brand is listed in the field of creativity, market researches, planning and trademark law.
More often it happens that brands are getting developed which are not acceptable because of having no legal protection. Another reason why they are not acceptable is the scope of protection which is – after registration or taking in use – not big enough to protect themselves against other marks and competitors.

  • Basic rules of brand developing
  • Legal barriers and why it’s useful to consider them
  • Using of highest judicial jurisprudence for the increase of the scope of protection (color combinations, audio brands, 3D-brands)
  • Why to pay attention if  ‘first’ and ‘best’ ideas are offered.


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