To be always on the safe side is an import feeling in areas of...
Different companies with different histories need different support. Lünstroth Brand Consultants differ between those needs.
What’s all clients common is the need for strong brand awareness and reputation to realize the pricing they need.
Companies with non European origin and brands not really known in Europe
For these companies Lünstroth Brand Consultancy open a way to Europe (and possibly other continents). Whether the consultants find a cost effective way to establish the brand already known in their own country or developing brands specific for the needs in new target markets there will be a best way.
Common challenges are wordmarks difficult to pronounce in target markets or trademarks and brands already registered in those markets.
To avoid a misunderstanding: At the end of the day all sorts of wordmarks can be established, but it’s a matter of short and long term efforts, if this enforced proceedings make sense.
European brands on their way to global markets
These are enterprises in Europe targetting to different markets around the world.
In many cases the brand architecture, the brands itself or product and / or technology brands collide with brands in target markets.
The brand consultancy develop an optimized brand system for global use or certain trademarks for target countries and helps to avoid conflicts on these new markets regarding acceptance, legal rules, cultural differences.
What the brand consultants do
Brand Analysis
The brand consultants use to analyse brands or brand candidates first for their matches...
Development of Brands and Trademarks
Brands and trademarks are the real valuable assets of companies with worldwide interests. In...
Purpose Branding
Purpose Branding is the new key to new target groups. To produce quality was...
Brand Consultants: about
Lünstroth Brand Consultants strengthen brands worldwide and bring brands to the European Union. With...
A brand is a system.
Some people might reduce a brand to a logo. Lünstroth Brand Consultants see brands...
They easiest way is email. But surely you can call us. Or skype us....
Digital Brand Strength
Digital transformation is not at an end yet. Channels are increasing and every month...
Brand Management & Trademark Pooling
Trademark poolings makes sense in the same way as patent pooling does. All intellectual...
Workshops Branding
Brands are people made and all people working for an with the brand should...
Brand Strategy
Brand Strategy: Sustainable and Effective A better strategy saves time and money. A good...
Brand Building in Europe: the branding agency
Establishing a brand in Europe Lünstroth Branding Agency supports enterprises in building a brand...